

经过乔什·斯莱奇,,,,高级总监和Arjun Kaushal,财务健康网络助理万博电竞怎么玩乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在警察手中的悲惨谋杀案再次使刑事司法系统的不平等重点。The violence captured on film has rightfully drawn a passionate response, as protestors demand justice for Floyd and an…


经过sh雪橇,,,,高级总监Arjun Kaushal,财务健康网络助理万博电竞怎么玩

乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在警察手中的悲惨谋杀案再次使刑事司法系统的不平等重点。由于抗议者要求弗洛伊德(Floyd)的正义并结束警察的暴行,因此在电影中捕获的暴力事件正确地提出了热情的反应。在这项改革的推动下,我们也有机会注意刑事司法系统对刑事司法系统的影响不太明显但仍具有毁灭性影响金融黑人和棕色个人及其家人的健康监禁种族差异。这种影响的一个例子来自该系统收取的广泛罚款和费用,这可能会使家庭接近金融毁灭。


罚款被指定为“与法律”的“不遵守法”的金钱惩罚 - 考虑交通票或引用垃圾。费用是charged to cover the costs参与刑事司法系统;这包括用于电子踝部监视器被监禁或租金费用的房间和木板。在某些情况下,人们实际上是支付起诉律师的费用

Criminal justice fines and fees have been on the rise, with 48 states increasing charges since 2010, often in order to cover the costs of growing prison systems or fund the general budget. For instance, in the wake of the 2014 police-involved shooting death of Michael Brown, a Department of Justice report found that the town of Ferguson, Missouri, funded 23% of its total revenue with fines and fees. In total, estimates have found that1000万人共同欠超过500亿美元的未偿债务to the criminal justice system.



Debt from fines and fees can make it几乎不可能让某人摆脱系统的握力。一项研究发现,离开监狱的普通人带着他们的刑事司法债务超过13,000美元,大约等于以前被监禁的人的收入的60%。因此,罚款和费用成为家庭事务,有60%以前被监禁的人依靠家庭成员来帮助付款。

These families bear the cost because the consequences for not doing so can be severe: mounting late fees, damage to credit scores, wage garnishment, or driver’s license suspension. Failure to pay criminal justice debt can even lead to a person being reincarcerated. Facing those possible outcomes, people make difficult decisions that can extract wealth and damage their financial health. For instance, a阿拉巴马州应用法和司法中心的调查发现,在有未偿债务的州居民中,超过80%的人报告了基本需求的减少,有44%的人使用发薪日或汽车产权贷款来偿还债务。更令人不安的是,近40%的人犯罪以偿还债务,表明罚款和费用如何有助于累犯的周期。


Over the past year, we’ve been studying the intersection of criminal justice, financial health, and race. This moment in time leaves us more committed to examining, analyzing, and supporting solutions to a broken criminal justice system that disproportionately targets and punishes black and brown communities. Admittedly, we’re new to this conversation and we’re seeking to learn more about the criminal justice system across other focus areas, including bail, financial services in prison, and re-entry. As we do so, we strive to uplift the work of other organizations that have been leading the way in this space through research, advocacy, and activism, such as the埃拉·贝克人权中心,,,,布伦南正义中心,,,,政策链接,,,,维拉司法学院,,,,the San Francisco Financial Justice Project,以及在全国各地社区工作的其他组织。

Our team is keen to contribute to the work of criminal justice reform through research and collaboration with the advocates and stakeholders leading the way. We welcome any opportunities to connect, learn, and push for a better justice system and stronger financial health for those it touches.

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Written by

  • Arjun Kaushal
    Arjun Kaushal
  • 乔什·斯莱奇