

董事总经理的Claire Chamberlain是Blackrock社会影响团队的高级成员。社会影响指示该公司的全球慈善倡议有助于解决迫切社会问题,重点关注弱势社区的经济流动性和金融弹力。团队与非营利组织,研究组织,初创企业和员工合作资助和构建建立更包容和可持续经济体的解决方案。克莱尔监督公司的授予制定和订婚计划,并作为Blackrock基金会的官员。在2015年加入Blackrock之前,Claire于罗宾汉基金会董事总经理,她培养了领导捐助者,并在西海岸开发了新的管道。她还在孵化和推出移民正义兵团中发挥了关键作用。Claire于麦肯锡致力于原始两年分析师计划的第一个新兵之一。然后,她参加了哈佛商学院,并在毕业后加入了投资银行部门的高盛。After promotion to Vice President in the firm’s Leveraged Buyout Group, she was recruited to head up Global General Services to manage the firm’s 27 offices and trading operations and to re-engineer multiple business support functions, including Facilities, Purchasing, Security, Travel and Events. Claire has held multiple nonprofit board positions, including co-founding the Women’s Health Philanthropy Council at Morristown Medical Center and chairing the board of The Peck School, an independent day school in New Jersey. From 2010-2015, she served on the New Jersey State Board of Education during Gov. Christie’s administration. Claire graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University with Honors in Economics (B.A.). Claire also enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at Princeton Theological Seminary where she studied the Old Testament. Today, she resides in Manhattan and is the proud mother of three adult sons.

与Claire Chamberlain有关



Blackrock对金融福祉的承诺引发了一系列跨部门伙伴关系,专注于使紧急储蓄更加易于获得低于适度的收入家庭。加入Claire Chamberlain,在Blackrock董事总经理,在Blackrock的旗舰慈善计划中深入潜水,并仔细看看他们以合作伙伴为中心的方法,以证明可能并倡导改变整个系统的内容。