

消费者花更多的钱在娱乐和品尝g out during the 2021 holiday season than during the 2020 holiday season, but many remain vulnerable as government relief programs expire and inflation continues. This brief examines the factors that may shape financial health in the early months of 2022.



在2021年假期期间,美国的人们看到的帐户余额比2020假期季节更快,部分原因是在娱乐和外出就餐的支出增加。几个因素,包括在19日大流行期间积蓄的积蓄,正在进行的经济复苏以及由于通货膨胀而造成的商品成本上升,这可能导致了这些趋势。在过去一年中经历经济困难的人的帐户余额最快下降,showing that many people remain vulnerable even as theeconomic recovery has progressed。更高inflation and the expiration of child tax credits alongside other government relief programs may drive further declines in the coming months and herald the end of the financial health boost that some people experienced during the pandemic.



Balances Declined More Rapidly During the 2021 Holiday Season

2021年10月,流动帐户中的中位每月余额高于2020年10月,这可能是由于大流行期间的支出减少和由于刺激支付,儿童税收抵免和全年扩大的福利而产生的储蓄。更高employment ratesand stronger工资增长may have also contributed to higher account balances in 2021 than in the previous year.

However, account balances declined more rapidly during the fourth quarter of 2021 than during the same time period in 2020. In Q4 2021, median balances in liquid accounts declined by approximately $1,500 (33%), compared with declines of $750 (20%) in Q4 2020. While holiday spending likely contributed to declining balances in both years, the sharper decline in Q4 2021 may reflect people’s increased comfort or greater ability to spend as the disruptive economic impact of the pandemic subsided in 2021, despite theOmicron变体的出现。这些趋势与下降个人储蓄率and increasedpersonal consumption expenditures


资料来源:脉冲交易数据集(10月1日至2020年12月31日,以及10月1日至2021年12月31日)。样本量:218个人。注意:线条图显示了Q4 2021中的储蓄余额降低了1,500美元,第二季度2020年的储蓄余额降低了750美元。液体帐户余额定义为过去30天的平均液体帐户平均值中位数。第二轮经济影响支付从2020年12月29日开始管理,但是这些付款不会影响这些图表的趋势,因为它们在分析期结束时已支付。



整个2021年第四季度,就餐和休闲支出都高于2020年第四季度。2021年12月,每月在外出就餐的平均每月支出约为72美元(33%),比2020年12月在同一类别的支出高约72美元(33%)。通货膨胀增加at the fastest rate in decades, suggesting that the rising costs of goods may have been partially responsible for driving these trends. If high rates of inflation continue in the coming months, balances in liquid accounts may decline further as people draw upon their savings to make ends meet.


资料来源:脉冲交易数据集(10月1日至2020年12月31日,以及10月1日至2021年12月31日)。Sample size: 216 individuals. Notes: Line graph shows that spending on eating out was higher in Q4 2021 than Q4 2020. Spending is defined as the sample mean of total outflows on “eating out,” as categorized by Plaid, from liquid accounts in the past 30 days. Two outliers – a $15,168 transaction in 2020 and a $180,000 transaction in 2021 – were excluded from this analysis.

Spending on Recreation Was Higher in Q4 2021 Than in Q4 2020

资料来源:脉冲交易数据集(10月1日至2020年12月31日,以及10月1日至2021年12月31日)。样本量:218个人。Notes: Line graph shows that spending on recreation was higher in Q4 2021 than Q4 2020. Spending is defined as the sample mean of total outflows on “recreation,” as categorized by Plaid, from liquid accounts in the past 30 days.


Financially Struggling Consumers Have Become More Vulnerable

报告在大流行中经历经济困难的人们似乎在2021年末比上一年更脆弱。在说他们在过去12个月中努力支付食物,住房或医疗保健费用(占样本的23%)的个人中,中位液体帐户余额在2020年保持相对恒定。但是,在2021年,该组的液体帐户余额下降了该季度在本季度的$ 986(40%),尽管变化在统计上并不重要。

尽管多个经济因素可能导致了这些趋势,但政府福利的到期可能对该群体发挥了巨大的作用。大流行救济政策 - 包括扩大的失业保险,驱逐的暂停和刺激支付 - 在2021年结束,迫使许多人借鉴自己的积蓄来维持生计。大流行救济政策的持续到期,包括儿童税收抵免的到期,可能会进一步危害经历财务困难并导致财务状况的财务状况贫困增加,而持续的通货膨胀将disproportionately affect收入较低的人应变家庭资产负债表





People spent down their savings balances more rapidly during the 2021 holiday season than during the 2020 holiday season. Accumulated savings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing economic recovery, and rising costs of goods due to inflation likely contributed to these trends. Nevertheless, the pandemic continues to have anunequal financial impact关于美国人,遇到挣扎的消费者变得越来越脆弱的迹象。缺乏政府救济计划和不断发展的宏观经济条件有望在未来几个月内塑造个人理财趋势。我们将继续监视未来脉搏点的这些趋势。

About Our Methodology

This analysis is based on transactional and account data from 218 members of the University of Southern California’s消费面板他们同意通过利用的安全平台分享其2020年和2021年数据格子的API。为了得出流入,流出和液体帐户余额,总计在过去30天的滚动期间计算总数。对于液体账户余额,每天使用样品中位数。对于外出就餐的支出,每天使用的样本平均值。将带有10%平滑窗口的局部加权散点图平滑(Lowess)用于生成趋势线。流动帐户包括支票帐户,储蓄帐户,预付费卡,货币市场帐户和现金管理帐户。

为了帮助解释交易数据,脉冲调查响应数据were merged with these data. Any figures and statistics that are explicitly referenced in the text are statistically significant within a 95% confidence interval. Trends that are described more generally should be considered directional and descriptive in nature. Please see the complete Financial Health Pulse交易方法概述for more information on data collection and analysis.


The Financial Health Pulse is supported by the Citi Foundation, with additional funding from Principal Foundation. Since the inception of the initiative in 2018, the Financial Health Network has collaborated with USC’s Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) to field the study to its online panel, the Understanding America Study. Study participants who agree to share their transactional and account data use Plaid’s data connectivity services to authorize their data for analysis.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this piece are those of the Financial Health Network and do not necessarily represent those of our funders or partners.

Citi Foundation
USC Dornsife
