
What the Financial Health Network and J.D. Power Know: Data Can Guide the Way for Financial Institutions to Improve Financial Health for Customers


What the Financial Health Network and J.D. Power Know: Data Can Guide the Way for Financial Institutions to Improve Financial Health for Customers

The recently released财务健康脉搏™ 2021 U.S. Trends Report表明,尽管过去一年中的总体财务状况有所改善,但历史悠久的人口收益率收益,但1.87亿人口(其中三分之二的美国人)在经济上并不健康。

另外,消费者可能会面临其他挑战美国北极星调查,每月报告J.D. Power财务状况和建议方案与财务健康网络合作。万博电竞怎么玩该报告着眼于银行消费者的财务状况,发现最近几个月消费者财务状况一直在下降。但是,鉴于9月,与大流行有关的失业福利估计有750万人结束,这一下降不足为奇。根据美国北极星调查,消费者正在努力按时支付账单,支付更多的银行费,最大程度地支付信用卡,并推迟医疗费用和其他支出。

消费者需要并需要其金融机构来更好地满足其财务需求。根据2021年财务健康脉搏数据,有75%的客户希望他们的主要金融机构帮助他们改善财务状况。当客户相信银行关心其财务状况时,他们就会倾向于偿还他们的银行具有更大的忠诚度,愿意推荐朋友以及对其他银行产品的开放性。预计美国银行将在2021年获得“创纪录水平”的收益, now is the time to invest in improving consumer financial health, especially since this investment is good for both the consumer and the bank.

The question of how to invest – the tactics to implement and the solutions to deploy – is a quandary that awaits an answer from every financial institution leader. The Financial Health Network has always believed that data and financial health metrics are the building blocks of impact, which is why we created theFinhealth得分® Toolkit,用于调查和分析财务健康的资源,以及阿特纳, a measurement and insights platform. We know that what gets measured gets managed, so the Financial Health Network is continuously ideating and exploring ways to support organizations on this journey

A FinHealth Collaboration With J.D. Power

财务健康万博电竞怎么玩网络与J.D. Power启动了合作,为银行提供有关客户寻求财务健康支持的工具和渠道的数据。In this collaboration, the J.D. Power Financial Health and Advice Program – which includes an annual study and Polaris monthly reports – leveraged the Financial Health Network’s 17 years of experience and FinHealth Score® methodology to offer deep, real-time insights into the products, tools, and communications that consumers want and need to support finhealth.根据J.D. Power的2021年9月Polaris报告, consumers need help managing debt and setting budgets.虽然许多银行和信用合作社在其网站上提供预算工具,但July Polaris report指出,有50%的消费者不知道或不确定如何使用预算服务 - 不到20%的消费者表示他们尝试使用它们未成功。这是金融机构可以投资金融健康的一种有意义方式的一个例子。



为了确定如何最好地帮助客户,机构必须首先了解客户的深厚财务健康需求。这就是为什么金融健康网络使用财万博电竞怎么玩务健康数据来帮助公司assess their product gaps and opportunities. Consumers need financial institutions to deliver solutions that will help them build resilience and pursue opportunities, and financial health data can provide a clear call to action for financial institutions seeking to support their customers’ financial health.

了解有关提供关键解决方案以使用金融健康网络的工具来改善财务健康的更多信息,例如万博电竞怎么玩阿特纳,并了解有关J.D. Power财务状况和建议方案, please contact Marisa Walster

Written by

  • Marisa Walster
    Vice President, Financial Services Solutions