Diagnose Needs

Step 1: Gather Relevant Data

这re are two key ways to gain insight on your employees’ financial health – gathering data from administrative systems, and asking employees directly through surveys or other qualitative methods. Use these two data sources together for the most holistic picture.

Step 1: Gather Relevant Data

Compile Data From Existing Sources

这first step is to gather data from your company’s HR, benefits, and payroll systems that can shed light on your employees’ financial health. In some cases, the data may already be housed within your internal systems; in other cases, you might need to request them from your benefits vendors.

Which specific data points should I consider?

以下是一些数据点的示例,您可以用来评估员工在财务健康的这四个组成部分中的每个组成部分中的财务状况:支出,保存,借用和计划。此列表并不详尽,但说明了typesof data that can help uncover employee needs.


  • 401(k)或其他退休计划中,您的员工中有多少百分比是储蓄多少?
  • 如果有的话,有多少百分比正在接受完整的雇主比赛?
  • 什么每centage of your employees have requested a hardship withdrawal or loan from their 401(k) or other retirement account?
  • 什么每centage of your employees have had their wages garnished due to unpaid debts or other reasons?
  • 什么每centage of your employees are enrolled in your company’s health insurance plan?
  • 什么每centage of your employees have elected to enroll in various types of voluntary insurance?



通过员工调查补充现有数据可以为您的员工苦苦挣扎最多的领域提供更深入的见解,并有助于发现潜在的解决方案。这FinHealth Scoreis a free tool that can offer a holistic picture of your employees’ financial health. It includes eight simple survey questions that assess how your employees are spending, saving, borrowing, and planning. You can also add additional questions to probe deeper in specific areas, such as retirement preparedness or debt. Focus groups or other qualitative methods can lead to even greater insights.


这se two methods can be used in either order or even simultaneously. The most effective approaches to diagnosing needs combine both methods to give you the most holistic look at your employees’ financial health. Where you choose to start depends on several factors, including what kinds of data are available and how easy they are for you to access, your organization’s data analytics capabilities, and your readiness to engage directly with employees about financial health in a survey.

It can sometimes be helpful to start by reviewing existing data, because you can then use those insights to inform the survey design. For example, by looking at your 401(k) plan data, you might find that a large percentage of your employees have taken out loans from their retirement accounts. This could be a sign that they lack emergency savings that can help them cover spikes in expenses, or that they do not have other affordable loan options due to a poor credit history. You can then add questions to your survey to help answer these questions.

On the other hand, there can also be benefits to starting with a survey. A financial health survey provides an opportunity to communicate to your employees that their financial health is a priority for the company and to explain initiatives you are planning or currently have underway.


您可以使用调查更深入地探究对公司重要的特定领域。Additional questions can help you uncover root causes of employee pain points identified in your data analysis, such as a high number of 401(k) loans, and shed light on blind spots you are likely to have as an employer, such as your employees’ debt. A financial health survey can also be a great way to gather feedback from employees on current or potential benefit offerings.

One useful resource to consider for additional questions is the财务健康脉搏. Through our annual Pulse survey, the Financial Health Network offers ongoing snapshots of how people in America manage their finances. You can even benchmark your employees against the national population bydownloading the Pulse dataset.

How can I eliminate the stigma of talking about money at work?

For many HR leaders, asking employees about their finances may feel uncomfortable at first. While there is plenty of evidence that employees are looking to their employers for help, sending out an employee financial health survey requires a thoughtful approach to communications.4

Here are some tips for deploying a successful survey:

  • 识别合适的车辆. Consider whether to field a standalone survey or incorporate financial health questions into your existing wellness or employee engagement surveys. There may be limitations to the number of questions that you can incorporate into existing surveys, but doing so might increase response rates.
  • 考虑激励措施。Most employers do not provide incentives to complete financial health surveys, but some do. Prizes can be cost-effective incentives. In addition, linking the survey completion to a broader well-being incentive program may be a good way to drive completion and engagement.
  • Appeal to company values.考虑将调查定位为对员工福祉的更广泛承诺的一部分,包括身体,精神和财务健康。(当然,您还应该准备分享公司实际上为员工的福祉所做的事情。)高级领导层从公司对员工福祉的承诺的沟通也可以提高响应率。同样,与员工进行沟通,您真正希望他们的意见为未来计划和利益的设计提供信息,这可以提供强大的动力。
  • 致力于隐私。Be transparent with employees about how you plan to use survey data and assure them their privacy will be protected. If applicable, emphasize that survey data will only be analyzed in the aggregate, and not tied back to any individual employee. If you plan to link individual survey responses to other administrative data, such as healthcare claims, or track change for individuals over time, use a unique identifier to link the data sources so that specific individuals cannot be re-identified. When analyzing data by demographics or job characteristics, be sure to analyze the data in groups of no fewer than five employees to protect anonymity. Using a third-party platform such asAttuneto distribute the survey can also increase employees’ confidence that their privacy will be protected.
Employer Spotlight: University Federal Credit Union

Promoting Surveys with Incentives

University Federal Credit Union, a $3.6 billion asset credit union with more than 300,000 members in Central Texas and Galveston, took a creative approach to encouraging its 740 employees to take its financial health survey. UFCU’s Financial Health Department created a prize-based incentive, but with a twist: If they reached a 70% survey participation rate, then all 740 employees would be entered into a raffle to win a choice between a $500 Target gift card or $500 voucher to a local resort. This created a strong motivation for teams to encourage one another to participate while still protecting confidentiality for all. In the end, 77% of employees completed the survey.

View Case Study

2 Tools for Measuring Employee Financial Health

FinHealth Score包括八个简单的调查问题,以评估员工的支出,储蓄,借贷和计划。该免费工具具有评分方法,可帮助您快速计算每个员工的Finhealth分数,并知道他们在财务上健康,应对还是脆弱。它还提供基准,因此您可以看到员工与国家一级的其他人相比。划分年龄,教育,家庭收入和地区的其他基准可以向我们的成员提供雇主Finhealth论坛. To learn more about how the FinHealth Score was developed and how individual scores are calculated, visit our方法论页.

Attune是一个多合一的技术平台,使雇主易于衡量,基准和收集有关员工财务健康的见解。基于财务健康网络的研究,Attune可帮助您快速了解员工的万博电竞怎么玩财务健康需求,了解您可以采取哪些措施来改善其财务状况,并跟踪这些行动随着时间的流逝而产生的影响。考虑到雇主的设计,Attune可以作为独立调查部署给您的员工,或集成到您现有的调查平台中。manbetx20手机客户端联系我们to learn more and schedule a demo.


